Jump Start Your 2020 New Year's Resolution with SweatZone

According to Inc.com, Americans' top three New Year's Resolutions are:

  1. Diet or eat healthier.
  2. Exercise more.
  3. Lose weight.

And if you're one of the more than 70% of resolutioners who have fitness goals in mind, SweatZone can put you on the right track to staying motivated through January and beyond. Our product can help you lose weight in 2020 for your New Year's resolution -- or any other time of year, for that matter!

a group of people holding wine glasses

Get results fast. Get motivated. 

While SweatZone can't help you with diet or actually getting yourself to the gym, we can help you see results once you're there. And once you start seeing results, it's easier to want to exercise more and eat better, creating a positive impact on your overall health and fitness.

Break a better sweat.

Get the sauna effect with SweatZone, a balm that helps your body produce more sweat, especially in those stubborn areas that always seem to be last to budge. Most frequently applied targets include the abs/stomach, the underside of arms and thighs. Especially when used with our waist trainer belt, you'll feel the results dripping off of you after each workout.

Great for every goal.

Whether you're still trying to lose your Freshman 15, or you're working toward an overall lifestyle change and weight loss journey, SweatZone is right for you. We can be combined with any type of physical activity -- and we especially recommend high-intensity workouts like CrossFit, HIIT and running for the maximum effect.

Remember: SweatZone works as long as you do! So get out there, and make 2020 the year you smash those fitness goals.